Easily print your documents on any FPL printer. Just upload your files using the printing portal or the ePRINTit app, enter a unique code you choose (e.g. full name, email address or library card number) and click "Submit." Come to the Library printers in our Digital Learning Center or Local History/Genealogy Room and retrieve your prints using the unique code you entered. Cost is $.10 for black and white and $.50 for color. Payment can be made with cash, debit/credit card or by using money from your Library account.
More Details
- Print jobs will stay in the queue for 72 hours (3 days).
- Printing is offered in three ways at FPL (see sections below for details). You can send print jobs from anywhere using:
- FPL’s printing portal web form
- The dedicated printing email addresses
- The ePRINTit app
- Go to FPL’s website printing portal - https://tbs.eprintit.com/portal/#/ppl/upload/flintpl
- Drag and drop the file you want to print, or choose Select File to find the file on your computer. The file types that work for wireless printing are listed above the Select File box.
- Select preferences for print.
- In the Required field, enter a unique code to identify your print job. For example, your FPL username or library card number, or an email address or phone number.
- If you want to receive a confirmation message, enter an email address or cell phone number in the optional fields.
- A message will appear if successful, and a confirmation will be sent if applicable.
- Go to the printer at FPL.
- Select Card Number/Webprint User and enter the unique code you used for this print job (username, library card number, etc.).
- Pay for and print your document.
- To print an email message or attachments, forward your email to the corresponding email address.
- For black & white printing: tbs-flintpl-bw@eprintitservice.com
- For color printing: tbs-flintpl-color@eprintitservice.com
- You will be sent instructions which can be used to retrieve your print job. Make sure you bring these instructions with you to the branch.
- On your device’s app store, search for “eprintit”.
- Select the “Public Print Locations” app.
- Install the app on your device.
- Enter your email address to create an account.
- Check the email that you provided for an activation code and enter it on the next screen.
ePRINTit App Usage
The app allows you to print documents, files or pictures from your device, email, Dropbox, Office 365, OneDrive or Google Drive. To select what you want to print, you will need to log into the cloud-based service that you want to print from while in the app’s homepage.
- For EMAIL, first select your email provider (Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.). Otherwise sign into your account using the Address and Password fields (description is optional) and select Done.
- For EMAIL, select the email name on the next screen.
- If you get an “invalid” message, select the back button. This may happen if the password or email was incorrectly entered.
- Then select Edit on the email screen to delete the email you just entered to try again.
- You may also experience a security issue from your email provider which may require you to go into your email account settings and approve the use of the ePRINTit app.
- Allow ePRINTit access to your cloud-based accounts.
- Navigate to your account and select the files to print.
- Select NEXT.
- On the next screen, select TBS, the top icon on the left-hand column.
- Select Flint Public Library as your pickup location.
- Select your Print Job Settings (number of copies, black& white or color; layout; 1 or 2-sided; paper size).
- In User Information, enter your library card number or your email. This is what you will enter at the kiosk to release your print job and print it.
- A confirmation will appear that the document was sent to the printer.
- Go to the kiosk at the branch where the print job was sent.
- Select Library Card/Webprint User. Enter the or card number or your email (whatever was entered in the Required field above).
- Make payment and print document.
- Select Allow when the app asks to access your photos.
- Select where you want to choose the photo from (it will provide options such as Instagram, All Photos, WhatsApp, Screenshots, or other apps or places you store photos on your device.
- The app will show directions on how to select multiple photos to print. Tap that screen to display your photos.
- Tap the photos you want to print.
- Select Next.
- Select the preferred image quality.
- Follow steps 1-13 in the section above to complete the printing process.
3. For WEB
- Enter the URL of the website you want to print from.
- Navigate to the page, form or document on the website that you want to print.
- Select Next.
- Follow steps 1-13 in the section above to complete the printing process.
4. For FILES
- This will access files from your device.
- Select the file you want to print.
- Select the file again on the next screen to confirm you want to print that files.
- If you want to print another file, select Choose File and it will take you back to your device’s files to choose from.
- When you have selected all the files you want to print, select Next.
- Follow steps 1-13 in the section above to complete the printing process.